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Clef Singers (11.249 x 3 in) (8 x 1 in).png

Click HERE to select your audition time.

Please arrive to your audition warmed up.

Your audition will consist of...


Range evaluation and placement: A quick vocal eval of your highest and lowest comfortable notes.


Tonal Memory: You will hear a very short musical example and will be asked to sing it back.


Sight Reading:  Any example from this sheet.


MELODY of the Star Spangled Banner a cappella in the key for your voice.​

Sing this as if you were singing as as member of Chorus or Clef, not the soloist at an event. â€‹


Your part to one verse of  THIS Clef Singers piece

You will have the option to sing this in a quartet with the other parts, or to sing with the piano playing the other parts.




Star Spangeld Banner Practice Tracks











My Sweetheart's Like Venus Practice Tracks​


High Voice (Soprano)
Medium Voice (Soprano_Alto)
Low Voice (Alto)
High Voice (Tenor)
Medium Voice (Tenor_Baritone)
Low Voice (Bass)
Venus - Clef Audition - Soprano
Venus - Clef Audition - Alto
Venus - Clef Audition - Tenor
Venus - Clef Audition - Bass
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